-- I, 20kdc, release this into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- Chat client local serv = ({...})[1] local event = require("event") local term = require("term") local gpu = term.gpu() local occure = require("occure") -- show a message onscreen local sw, sh = gpu.getResolution() -- The idea is to use the term API and the normal stuff at the same time. -- Ehehe. local function postMessage(s) gpu.copy(1, 2, sw, sh - 3, 0, -1) gpu.fill(1, sh - 2, sw, 2, " ") gpu.set(1, sh - 2, s) end local function sysCallback(tp, nfrom, nto, port, data, un) if tp == "copper_packet" then if nfrom == serv then if nto == occure.getHostname() then if port == 3 then postMessage(data) end end end end end event.listen("copper_packet", sysCallback) local cancelMeLater = event.timer(1, function() occure.output(serv, 2, "") end, math.huge) pcall(function() while true do term.setCursor(1, sh) local text = term.read({nowrap = true}) -- Because Term Sucks (tm) gpu.fill(1, sh - 1, sw, 1, " ") gpu.copy(1, 1, sw, sh - 1, 0, 1) gpu.fill(1, 1, sw, 1, " ") occure.output(serv, 2, text:sub(1, text:len() - 1)) end end) event.ignore("copper_packet", sysCallback) event.cancel(cancelMeLater)