-- I, 20kdc, release this into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- 'Copper' networking implementation - encode/decode -- Notably, it's fine that culib relies on the hops byte being the first byte, -- because culib is supposed to know the protocol anyway, -- and thus can rely on things like that. -- YOU, on the other hand, cannot - -- relib doesn't know or care about protocol internals, for example, -- short of some "convenient" nudging of relib header size and maximum Copper data packet size. local function encodeName(name) if name:len() > 256 then error("Bad name (l>256)") end if name == "" then error("No name") end return string.char(name:len() - 1) .. name end local function decodeName(message) if message:len() < 2 then return end local nlen = message:byte(1) + 1 local fnam = message:sub(2, nlen + 1) return fnam, message:sub(nlen + 2) end local function decodeNoHops(data) local src, data = decodeName(data) if not src then return end local dst, data = decodeName(data) if not dst then return end return src, dst, data end return { encode = function (hops, src, dst, data) return string.char(hops) .. encodeName(src) .. encodeName(dst) .. data end, decode = function (d) if d:len() < 3 then return end return d:byte(1), decodeNoHops(d:sub(2)) end, decodeNoHops = decodeNoHops }