-- I, 20kdc, release this into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- Copper Reliability Layer -- Notably, this should be instantiated rather than the normal Copper instance. local culib = require("culib") -- onRReceive is now: (from, to, port, data, unreliablePacket) -- where to can be anything for unreliable packets, but otherwise is the current hostname. return function (hostname, transmit, onRReceive, time) -- node.hostname should be used for hostname generally. local node -- The maximum amount of timers (used to cap memory usage) local tuningMaxTimers = 0x200 local tuningClearAntiduplicate = 60 local tuningAttempts = 8 local tuningAttemptTime = 4 -- Just an array, no special index. -- Contents : { -- trigger function, -- expiry time -- } local timers = {} -- Indexes are globalIds, values are timers for deleting entries out of this table. local weAcked = {} -- Indexes are globalIds, values are { successFunc, deathTimer } local needsAck = {} local function addTimer(trig, expi) if #timers < tuningMaxTimers then local t = {trig, time() + expi} table.insert(timers, t) return t end return nil end local function killTimer(t) for i = 1, #timers do if timers[i] == t then table.remove(timers, i) return end end end local function gen3Random() return string.char(math.random(256) - 1) .. string.char(math.random(256) - 1) .. string.char(math.random(256) - 1) end local function genGlobalId(port) local low = math.abs(math.floor(port)) % 256 local high = math.abs(math.floor(port / 256)) % 256 local portD = string.char(high) .. string.char(low) return portD .. gen3Random() end local onReceive = function (nfrom, nto, data) if data:len() < 7 then return end local port = data:byte(2) + (data:byte(1) * 256) local tp = data:byte(7) local globalId = data:sub(1, 5) if (tp == 0x01) or (tp == 0x00) then -- Only send one acknowledgement per packet, -- but only receive the packet once. -- (This is why timers are counted - to prevent the weAcked pool from getting too big.) if not weAcked[nto .. globalId] then onRReceive(nfrom, nto, port, data:sub(8), tp == 0x00) else killTimer(weAcked[nto .. globalId]) end weAcked[nto .. globalId] = addTimer(function () weAcked[nto .. globalId] = nil end, tuningClearAntiduplicate) -- Check if this should actually be ACKed if tp ~= 0x01 then return end if nto ~= node.hostname then return end node.output(nto, nfrom, data:sub(1, 6) .. "\x02") end if (tp == 0x02) and needsAck[nfrom .. globalId] then needsAck[nfrom .. globalId][1](nfrom) killTimer(needsAck[nfrom .. globalId][2]) needsAck[nfrom .. globalId] = nil end if nto ~= node.hostname then return end end node = culib(hostname, transmit, onReceive, time) local relib = {} relib.setHostname = function (h) node.hostname = h end relib.getHostname = function () return node.hostname end relib.refresh = function () node.refresh() local i = 1 local t = time() while i <= #timers do if timers[i][2] <= t then timers[i][1]() table.remove(timers, i) else i = i + 1 end end end relib.input = node.input -- can be reduced to output(nto, port, data) safely relib.output = function (nto, port, data, unreliable, onSucceed, onFailure) onSucceed = onSucceed or (function () end) onFailure = onFailure or (function () end) local gid = genGlobalId(port) local tp = "\x01" -- Unreliable packets: -- 1. Can't be ACKed (not in the needsAck table) -- 2. Are otherwise subject to the same rules as regular packets if unreliable then tp = "\x00" end local na = {onSucceed} local attempt = -1 local doAttempt doAttempt = function () attempt = attempt + 1 if attempt == tuningAttempts then if not unreliable then needsAck[nto .. gid] = nil onFailure() end return end node.output(node.hostname, nto, gid .. string.char(attempt) .. tp .. data) na[2] = addTimer(doAttempt, tuningAttemptTime) if not na[2] then needsAck[nto .. gid] = nil if not unreliable then onFailure() end end end if not unreliable then needsAck[nto .. gid] = na end doAttempt() end return relib end