-- TCP-based 'absolute root' node -- Used to connect servers together. -- A smart routing node which includes hierarchial gateways. -- (Note: Multiple "absolute root" nodes can be used at once, -- and things should work as long as there are no conflicts and -- everybody who wants to communicate has a common root node. -- A less efficient but potentially better approach would be to just -- have TCP-based Copper meshnet nodes -- and run the gateways on the MC servers.) local socket = require("socket") local t = socket.bind("*", 4957) local cdlib = require("cdlib") local sockets = {} local function getbyte(s) s:settimeout(0.05) while true do local d, e = s:receive(1) if not d then if e ~= "timeout" then return end coroutine.yield() else return d end end end local function getpacket(s) local h = getbyte(s) if not h then error("connection failed") end local l = getbyte(s) if not l then error("framing bad") end local sz = string.byte(l) + (string.byte(h) * 256) if sz > 2021 then error("packet too large") end local data = "" for i = 1, sz do local dbt = getbyte(s) if not dbt then error("terminated early") end data = data .. dbt end return cdlib.decode(data) end local function checkLen(name) if name:len() == 0 then return end if name:len() > 256 then return end return name end local function translateSend(hops, src, dst, data, srname, tgsock, tgname) if src:sub(1, 1) == "<" then return end if dst:sub(1, tgname:len() + 2) ~= "<" .. tgname .. "/" then return end -- Ok, all rejection rules have been handled src = "<" .. srname .. "/" .. src dst = dst:sub(tgname:len() + 3) src, dst = checkLen(src), checkLen(dst) if src and dst then local enc = cdlib.encode(hops, src, dst, data) local h = math.floor(enc:len() / 256) local l = enc:len() % 256 local frame = string.char(h, l) tgsock:send(frame .. enc) end end -- The main coroutine. -- Moves messages around the system. local function messageroutine(tbl) local b = getbyte(tbl[2]) if not b then error("Didn't even send name") end local name = "" -- 0 is not a typo, this follows Copper name format. for i = 0, string.byte(b) do local b2 = getbyte(tbl[2]) if not b2 then error("Didn't even complete name") end name = name .. b2 end print("confirmed name " .. name) tbl[3] = name while true do local hops, src, dst, data = getpacket(tbl[2]) if not data then error("Bad Copper packet") end print("packet", src, dst) if hops ~= 255 then for _, v in ipairs(sockets) do if v[3] then if v ~= tbl then translateSend(hops + 1, src, dst, data, name, v[2], v[3]) end end end end end end while true do t:settimeout(0.05) local ns = t:accept() if ns then -- Note: packets are ~500 bytes, Copper data can be ~2KB -- but it isn't USUALLY that way. -- ns:setoption("tcp-nodelay", true) ns:setoption("keepalive", true) print("incoming") local co = coroutine.create(messageroutine) local tbl = {co, ns} table.insert(sockets, tbl) local ok, r = coroutine.resume(co, tbl) if not ok then -- do cleanup later print("connection died quick", r) end end local i = 1 while i <= #sockets do local ok, r = coroutine.resume(sockets[i][1]) if not ok then print("dropping conn", r) table.remove(sockets, i)[2]:close() else i = i + 1 end end end