local computer = {} local api = {} computer.api = api --computer.tmp - set in init.lua function computer.prepare( ... ) end function api.address() return modules.address end local signalQueue = {} computer.signalTransformers = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t, k) return function(...) return ... end end}) ----- --TODO: Move this out local keymap = { [48] = 0x2, [49] = 0x3, [50] = 0x4, [51] = 0x5, [52] = 0x6, [53] = 0x7, [54] = 0x8, [55] = 0x9, [56] = 0xA, [57] = 0xB, [0x40 + 0x01] = 0x1E, [0x40 + 0x02] = 0x30, [0x40 + 0x04] = 0x2E, [0x40 + 0x05] = 0x20, [0x40 + 0x06] = 0x12, [0x40 + 0x07] = 0x21, [0x40 + 0x08] = 0x22, [0x40 + 0x09] = 0x23, [0x40 + 0x0A] = 0x17, [0x40 + 0x0B] = 0x24, [0x40 + 0x0C] = 0x25, [0x40 + 0x0D] = 0x26, [0x40 + 0x0E] = 0x32, [0x40 + 0x0F] = 0x31, [0x40 + 0x11] = 0x18, [0x40 + 0x12] = 0x19, [0x40 + 0x13] = 0x10, [0x40 + 0x14] = 0x13, [0x40 + 0x15] = 0x1F, [0x40 + 0x16] = 0x14, [0x40 + 0x17] = 0x16, [0x40 + 0x18] = 0x2F, [0x40 + 0x19] = 0x11, [0x40 + 0x1A] = 0x2D, [0x40 + 0x1B] = 0x15, [0x40 + 0x1C] = 0x2C, [0x60 + 0x01] = 0x1E, [0x60 + 0x02] = 0x30, [0x60 + 0x03] = 0x2E, [0x60 + 0x04] = 0x20, [0x60 + 0x05] = 0x12, [0x60 + 0x06] = 0x21, [0x60 + 0x07] = 0x22, [0x60 + 0x08] = 0x23, [0x60 + 0x09] = 0x17, [0x60 + 0x0A] = 0x24, [0x60 + 0x0B] = 0x25, [0x60 + 0x0C] = 0x26, [0x60 + 0x0D] = 0x32, [0x60 + 0x0E] = 0x31, [0x60 + 0x0F] = 0x18, [0x60 + 0x10] = 0x19, [0x60 + 0x11] = 0x10, [0x60 + 0x12] = 0x13, [0x60 + 0x13] = 0x1F, [0x60 + 0x13] = 0x14, [0x60 + 0x14] = 0x16, [0x60 + 0x16] = 0x2F, [0x60 + 0x17] = 0x11, [0x60 + 0x18] = 0x2D, [0x60 + 0x19] = 0x15, [0x60 + 0x1A] = 0x2C, [13] = 28, --Return key [127] = 14, --backspace [9] = 15, --Tab } local asciitr = { [127] = 8, } local escmap = { [65] = 200, -- up [66] = 208, -- down [67] = 205, -- right [68] = 203, -- left } local inesc_down = false local esc_down_ctrl = false function computer.signalTransformers.key_down(s, a, ascii, key, user) if key ~= -1 then return s, a, ascii, key, user end if ascii == 27 then inesc_down = native.uptime() return nil elseif ascii < 27 and ascii ~= 8 and ascii ~= 13 and ascii ~= 9 then signalQueue[#signalQueue + 1] = {s, a, 0, 29, user} key = keymap[ascii + 96] or -1 elseif inesc_down then if (ascii < 48 or ascii > 57) and ascii ~= 59 and ascii ~= 91 then inesc_down = false key = escmap[ascii] or 0 if not esc_down_ctrl then --ascii = math.max(0, ascii - 96) else ascii = 0 end esc_down_ctrl = false elseif ascii == 91 then esc_down_ctrl = true elseif native.uptime() - inesc_down > 100 then -- 100ms timeout after {ESC} return nil else esc_down_ctrl = false inesc_down = false end end return s, a, math.floor(asciitr[ascii] or ascii), keymap[ascii] or key, user end local inesc_up = false local esc_up_ctrl = false function computer.signalTransformers.key_up(s, a, ascii, key, user) if key ~= -1 then return s, a, ascii, key, user end if ascii == 27 then inesc_up = native.uptime() return nil elseif ascii < 27 and ascii ~= 8 and ascii ~= 13 and ascii ~= 9 then signalQueue[#signalQueue+1] = {s, a, 0, 29, user} key = keymap[ascii + 96] or 0 elseif inesc_up then if (ascii < 48 or ascii > 57) and ascii ~= 59 and ascii ~= 91 then inesc_up = false key = escmap[ascii] or 0 if not esc_up_ctrl then --ascii = math.max(0, ascii - 96) else ascii = 0 end esc_up_ctrl = false elseif ascii == 91 then esc_up_ctrl = true elseif native.uptime() - inesc_up > 100 then -- 100ms timeout after {ESC} return nil else esc_up_ctrl = false inesc_up = false end end return s, a, math.floor(asciitr[ascii] or ascii), keymap[ascii] or key, user end ----- function api.pushSignal(s, ...) local result = table.pack(computer.signalTransformers[s](s, ...)) if result.n == 0 or not result[1] then return end result.n = nil signalQueue[#signalQueue + 1] = result end function api.pullSignal(timeout) --native.log("pullSignal for " .. (timeout or " infinite") .. " s") if signalQueue[1] then native.log("pullSignal direct: " .. signalQueue[1][1]) return table.unpack(table.remove(signalQueue, 1)) end local timeoutuptime = math.huge if not timeout then timeout = -1 else if timeout < 0 then timeout = 0 end timeout = timeout * 1000 timeoutuptime = native.uptime() + timeout end local nevts = 0 repeat nevts = native.pull(timeout) until nevts > 0 or native.uptime() >= timeoutuptime if signalQueue[1] then native.log("pullSignal native: " .. signalQueue[1][1]) return table.unpack(table.remove(signalQueue, 1)) end --native.log("pullSignal timeout") end function api.uptime() return native.uptime() / 1000 end function api.beep(freq, time) if not freq then freq = 1000 end if not time then time = 0.2 end native.beep(freq, time * 1000) end function api.tmpAddress() return computer.tmp end function api.freeMemory() return native.freeMemory() end function api.totalMemory() return native.totalMemory() end function api.shutdown(reboot) --TODO: Longjmp to init somehow? print("Running shutdown hooks") for k, hook in ipairs(deadhooks) do local state, cause = pcall(hook) if not state then print("Shutdown hook with following error:") print(cause) end end print("Hooks executed: " .. #deadhooks) native.shutdown(reboot) os.exit(0) end return computer