function checkArg(n, have, ...) have = type(have) local function check(want, ...) if not want then return false else return have == want or check(...) end end if not check(...) then local msg = string.format("bad argument #%d (%s expected, got %s)", n, table.concat({...}, " or "), have) error(msg, 3) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local argv = {...} function hasOpt(o, n, ...) for _, v in pairs(argv) do if v == o then return true end end if n then return hasOpt(n, ...) end return false end if hasOpt("-h", "--help") then print( os.exit(0) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- math.randomseed(native.uptime())--TODO: Make it better? lprint = function (...) print(...) native.log(table.concat({...}, " ")) end lprint("LuPI L1 INIT") local ports = serial.list() for i=1, #ports do lprint(ports[i]) end modules = {} deadhooks = {} function loadModule(name) if modules[name] then return end lprint("LuPI L1 INIT > Load module > " .. name) io.flush() --TODO: PRERELEASE: Module sandboxing, preferably secure-ish --TODO: ASAP: Handle load errors if not moduleCode[name] then error("No code for module " .. tostring(name)) end local code, reason = load(moduleCode[name], "=Module " if not code then lprint("Failed loading module " .. name .. ": " .. reason) io.flush() else modules[name] = code() end end function main() --Load modules --Utils if native.debug then loadModule("debug") end loadModule("random") loadModule("uuidmgr") loadModule("color") loadModule("buffer") --modules.address = modules.random.uuid() --TODO: PREALPHA: Make constant modules.address = modules.uuidmgr.lookup("modules", "lmao") --Made constant native.setkbid(modules.uuidmgr.lookup("keyboard", "lmao")) --Core loadModule("component") loadModule("computer") --Components loadModule("eeprom") loadModule("gpio") loadModule("gpudetect") loadModule("filesystem") loadModule("internet") loadModule("serial") loadModule("drive") --Userspace loadModule("sandbox") loadModule("boot") --Setup core modules modules.component.prepare() _G.pushEvent = modules.serial.register() modules.eeprom.register() modules.gpio.register() modules.internet.start() modules.filesystem.register("root") if native.debug and native.platform():match("unix") then modules.filesystem.register("/", "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111") end if native.platform():match("unix") then = modules.filesystem.register("/tmp/lupi-" .. modules.random.uuid()) else native.fs_mkdir("tmp") = modules.filesystem.register("tmp/lupi-" .. modules.random.uuid()) --TODO: cleaning hook or something end if native.debug then modules.debug.hook() end modules.boot.boot() end local tb = "" local state, cause = xpcall(main, function(e) tb = debug.traceback(e, 2) end) lprint("Running shutdown hooks") for k, hook in ipairs(deadhooks) do local state, cause = pcall(hook) if not state then lprint("Shutdown hook with following error:") lprint(cause) end end lprint("Hooks executed: " .. #deadhooks) if not state then lprint("LuPI finished with following error:") lprint(tb) end