local component = {} local api = {} local components = {} component.api = api component.components = components local componentCallback = { __call = function(self, ...) return components[self.address].rawproxy[self.name](...) end, __tostring = function(self) return (components[self.address] ~= nil and components[self.address].doc[self.name] ~= nil) and components[self.address].doc[self.name] or "function" end } --Debug only local start = native.uptime() local last = native.uptime() if native.debug then componentCallback.__call = function(self, ...) local t = {} for k,v in pairs({...}) do if type(v) == "string" then v = "\"" .. v .. "\"" end t[k] = tostring(v) end local caller = debug.getinfo(2) local msg = tostring((native.uptime() - start) / 1000) .. " [+" .. native.uptime() - last .. "] " .. caller.short_src .. ":".. caller.currentline .. " > invoke(" .. self.address .. "): " .. components[self.address].type .. "." .. self.name .. "(" .. table.concat(t, ", ") .. ")" native.log(msg) last = native.uptime() return components[self.address].rawproxy[self.name](...) end end function component.prepare() print("Assembling initial component tree") end function api.register(address, ctype, proxy, doc) checkArg(2, ctype, "string") checkArg(3, proxy, "table") if type(address) ~= "string" then address = modules.random.uuid() end if components[address] ~= nil then return nil, "component already at address" end components[address] = {address = address, type = ctype, doc = doc or {}} components[address].rawproxy = proxy components[address].proxy = {address = address, type = ctype, slot = -1} for k,v in pairs(proxy) do if type(v) == "function" then components[address].proxy[k] = setmetatable({name=k,address=address}, componentCallback) else components[address].proxy[k] = v end end modules.computer.api.pushSignal("component_added", address, ctype) if native.debug then local caller = debug.getinfo(2) local msg = caller.short_src .. ":".. caller.currentline .. " > component.register(" .. address .. ", " .. ctype .. ")" native.log(msg) end return address end function api.unregister(address) checkArg(1, address, "string") if components[address] == nil then return nil, "no component at address" end local ctype = components[address].type components[address] = nil modules.computer.api.pushSignal("component_removed", address, ctype) return true end function api.doc(address, method) checkArg(1, address, "string") checkArg(2, method, "string") if not components[address] then error("No such component") end return components[address].doc[method] end function api.invoke(address, method, ...) checkArg(1, address, "string") checkArg(2, method, "string") if not components[address] then error("No such component") end if not components[address].rawproxy[method] then error("No such method: " .. tostring(components[address].type) .. "." .. tostring(method)) end if native.debug then --TODO: This may generate little performance hit local t = {} for k,v in pairs({...}) do if type(v) == "string" then v = "\"" .. v .. "\"" end t[k] = tostring(v) end local caller = debug.getinfo(2) local msg = tostring((native.uptime() - start) / 1000) .. " [+" .. native.uptime() - last .. "] " .. caller.short_src .. ":".. caller.currentline .. " > c.invoke(" .. address .. "): " .. components[address].type .. "." .. method .. "(" .. table.concat(t, ", ") .. ")" --native.log(msg) end return components[address].rawproxy[method](...) end function api.list(filter, exact) checkArg(1, filter, "string", "nil") local list = {} for addr, c in pairs(components) do if not filter or ((exact and c.type or c.type:sub(1, #filter)) == filter) then list[addr] = c.type end end local key = nil return setmetatable(list, {__call=function() key = next(list, key) if key then return key, list[key] end end}) end function api.methods(address) checkArg(1, address, "string") if not components[address] then return nil, "No such component" end local list = {} for k, v in pairs(components[address].rawproxy) do if type(v) == "function" then list[k] = true end end return list end function api.fields(address) checkArg(1, address, "string") if not components[address] then return nil, "No such component" end local list = {} for k, v in pairs(components[address].rawproxy) do if type(v) ~= "function" then list[k] = true end end return list end function api.proxy(address) if not components[address] then return nil, "No such component" end return components[address].proxy end function api.slot() --legacy return 0 end function api.type(address) return components[address].type end return component