local unicode = { len = utf8.len, sub = function(s, i, j) checkArg(1, s, "string") i = i or 1 j = j or math.maxinteger if i<1 or j<1 then local n = utf8.len(s) if not n then return nil end if i<0 then i = n+1+i end if j<0 then j = n+1+j end if i<0 then i = 1 elseif i>n then i = n end if j<0 then j = 1 elseif j>n then j = n end end if j 0 then local result, reason = self.stream:write(self.bufferWrite) if result then self.bufferWrite = "" else if reason then return nil, reason else return nil, "bad file descriptor" end end end return self end function buffer:lines(...) local args = table.pack(...) return function() local result = table.pack(self:read(table.unpack(args, 1, args.n))) if not result[1] and result[2] then error(result[2]) end return table.unpack(result, 1, result.n) end end function buffer:read(...) local timeout = (native.uptime() / 1000) + self.readTimeout local function readChunk() if (native.uptime() / 1000) > timeout then error("timeout") end local result, reason = self.stream:read(self.bufferSize) if result then self.bufferRead = self.bufferRead .. result return self else -- error or eof return nil, reason end end local function readBytesOrChars(n) n = math.max(n, 0) local len, sub if self.mode.b then len = rawlen sub = string.sub else len = unicode.len sub = unicode.sub end local buffer = "" repeat if len(self.bufferRead) == 0 then local result, reason = readChunk() if not result then if reason then return nil, reason else -- eof return #buffer > 0 and buffer or nil end end end local left = n - len(buffer) buffer = buffer .. sub(self.bufferRead, 1, left) self.bufferRead = sub(self.bufferRead, left + 1) until len(buffer) == n return buffer end local function readNumber() local len, sub if self.mode.b then len = rawlen sub = string.sub else len = unicode.len sub = unicode.sub end local buffer = "" local first = true local decimal = false local last = false local hex = false local pat = "^[0-9]+" local minbuf = 3 -- "+0x" (sign + hexadecimal tag) -- this function is used to read trailing numbers (1e2, 0x1p2, etc) local function readnum(checksign) local _buffer = "" local sign = "" while true do if len(self.bufferRead) == 0 then local result, reason = readChunk() if not result then if reason then return nil, reason else -- eof return #_buffer > 0 and (sign .. _buffer) or nil end end end if checksign then local _sign = sub(self.bufferRead, 1, 1) if _sign == "+" or _sign == "-" then -- "eat" the sign (Rio Lua behaviour) sign = sub(self.bufferRead, 1, 1) self.bufferRead = sub(self.bufferRead, 2) end checksign = false else local x,y = string.find(self.bufferRead, pat) if not x then break else _buffer = _buffer .. sub(self.bufferRead, 1, y) self.bufferRead = sub(self.bufferRead, y + 1) end end end return #_buffer > 0 and (sign .. _buffer) or nil end while true do if len(self.bufferRead) == 0 or len(self.bufferRead) < minbuf then local result, reason = readChunk() if not result then if reason then return nil, reason else -- eof return #buffer > 0 and tonumber(buffer) or nil end end end -- these ifs are here so we run the buffer check above if first then local sign = sub(self.bufferRead, 1, 1) if sign == "+" or sign == "-" then -- "eat" the sign (Rio Lua behaviour) buffer = buffer .. sub(self.bufferRead, 1, 1) self.bufferRead = sub(self.bufferRead, 2) end local hextag = sub(self.bufferRead, 1, 2) if hextag == "0x" or hextag == "0X" then pat = "^[0-9A-Fa-f]+" -- "eat" the 0x, see https://gist.github.com/SoniEx2/570a363d81b743353151 buffer = buffer .. sub(self.bufferRead, 1, 2) self.bufferRead = sub(self.bufferRead, 3) hex = true end minbuf = 0 first = false elseif decimal then local sep = sub(self.bufferRead, 1, 1) if sep == "." then buffer = buffer .. sep self.bufferRead = sub(self.bufferRead, 2) local temp = readnum(false) -- no sign if temp then buffer = buffer .. temp end end if not tonumber(buffer) then break end decimal = false last = true minbuf = 1 elseif last then local tag = sub(self.bufferRead, 1, 1) if hex and (tag == "p" or tag == "P") then local temp = sub(self.bufferRead, 1, 1) self.bufferRead = sub(self.bufferRead, 2) local temp2 = readnum(true) -- this eats the next sign if any if temp2 then buffer = buffer .. temp .. temp2 end elseif tag == "e" or tag == "E" then local temp = sub(self.bufferRead, 1, 1) self.bufferRead = sub(self.bufferRead, 2) local temp2 = readnum(true) -- this eats the next sign if any if temp2 then buffer = buffer .. temp .. temp2 end end break else local x,y = string.find(self.bufferRead, pat) if not x then minbuf = 1 decimal = true else buffer = buffer .. sub(self.bufferRead, 1, y) self.bufferRead = sub(self.bufferRead, y + 1) end end end return tonumber(buffer) end local function readLine(chop) local start = 1 while true do local l = self.bufferRead:find("\n", start, true) if l then local result = self.bufferRead:sub(1, l + (chop and -1 or 0)) self.bufferRead = self.bufferRead:sub(l + 1) return result else start = #self.bufferRead local result, reason = readChunk() if not result then if reason then return nil, reason else -- eof local result = #self.bufferRead > 0 and self.bufferRead or nil self.bufferRead = "" return result end end end end end local function readAll() repeat local result, reason = readChunk() if not result and reason then return nil, reason end until not result -- eof local result = self.bufferRead self.bufferRead = "" return result end local function read(n, format) if type(format) == "number" then return readBytesOrChars(format) else if type(format) ~= "string" or unicode.sub(format, 1, 1) ~= "*" then error("bad argument #" .. n .. " (invalid option)") end format = unicode.sub(format, 2, 2) if format == "n" then return readNumber() elseif format == "l" then return readLine(true) elseif format == "L" then return readLine(false) elseif format == "a" then return readAll() else error("bad argument #" .. n .. " (invalid format)") end end end if self.mode.w or self.mode.a then self:flush() end local results = {} local formats = table.pack(...) if formats.n == 0 then return readLine(true) end for i = 1, formats.n do local result, reason = read(i, formats[i]) if result then results[i] = result elseif reason then return nil, reason end end return table.unpack(results, 1, formats.n) end function buffer:seek(whence, offset) whence = tostring(whence or "cur") assert(whence == "set" or whence == "cur" or whence == "end", "bad argument #1 (set, cur or end expected, got " .. whence .. ")") offset = offset or 0 checkArg(2, offset, "number") assert(math.floor(offset) == offset, "bad argument #2 (not an integer)") if self.mode.w or self.mode.a then self:flush() elseif whence == "cur" then offset = offset - #self.bufferRead end local result, reason = self.stream:seek(whence, offset) if result then self.bufferRead = "" return result else return nil, reason end end function buffer:setvbuf(mode, size) mode = mode or self.bufferMode size = size or self.bufferSize assert(mode == "no" or mode == "full" or mode == "line", "bad argument #1 (no, full or line expected, got " .. tostring(mode) .. ")") assert(mode == "no" or type(size) == "number", "bad argument #2 (number expected, got " .. type(size) .. ")") self.bufferMode = mode self.bufferSize = size return self.bufferMode, self.bufferSize end function buffer:getTimeout() return self.readTimeout end function buffer:setTimeout(value) self.readTimeout = tonumber(value) end function buffer:write(...) if self.closed then return nil, "bad file descriptor" end local args = table.pack(...) for i = 1, args.n do if type(args[i]) == "number" then args[i] = tostring(args[i]) end checkArg(i, args[i], "string") end for i = 1, args.n do local arg = args[i] local result, reason if self.bufferMode == "full" then if self.bufferSize - #self.bufferWrite < #arg then result, reason = self:flush() if not result then return nil, reason end end if #arg > self.bufferSize then result, reason = self.stream:write(arg) else self.bufferWrite = self.bufferWrite .. arg result = self end elseif self.bufferMode == "line" then local l repeat local idx = arg:find("\n", (l or 0) + 1, true) if idx then l = idx end until not idx if l or #arg > self.bufferSize then result, reason = self:flush() if not result then return nil, reason end end if l then result, reason = self.stream:write(arg:sub(1, l)) if not result then return nil, reason end arg = arg:sub(l + 1) end if #arg > self.bufferSize then result, reason = self.stream:write(arg) else self.bufferWrite = self.bufferWrite .. arg result = self end else -- self.bufferMode == "no" result, reason = self.stream:write(arg) end if not result then return nil, reason end end return self end return buffer