local fbgpu = {} local mapping = {} for i=0,15 do mapping[i] = (i * 15) << 16 | (i * 15) << 8 | (i * 15) end for i=0,239 do local b = math.floor((i % 5) * 255 / 4.0) local g = math.floor((math.floor(i / 5.0) % 8) * 255 / 7.0) local r = math.floor((math.floor(i / 40.0) % 6) * 255 / 5.0) mapping[16+i] = r << 16 | g << 8 | b end --[[local nw = io.write io.write = function(...) nw(...) io.flush() native.sleep(20000) end]]-- local fb = framebuffer local write = io.write local flush = io.flush for k,v in pairs(mapping) do fb.setPalette(k, v) end local background = 0 local foreground = 0 local usub function fbgpu.start() usub = modules.sandbox.unicode.sub local gpu = {} function gpu.bind() return false, "This is static bound gpu" end function gpu.getScreen() return "n/a" end function gpu.setBackground(color, isPaletteIndex) checkArg(1, color, "number") checkArg(2, isPaletteIndex, "boolean", "nil") if isPaletteIndex and color >= 0 and color < 256 then background = color return mapping[color] end local old = background background = fb.getNearest(color) return mapping[old] end function gpu.setForeground(color, isPaletteIndex) checkArg(1, color, "number") checkArg(2, isPaletteIndex, "boolean", "nil") if isPaletteIndex and color >= 0 and color < 256 then foreground = color return mapping[color] end local old = foreground foreground = fb.getNearest(color) return mapping[old] end function gpu.getBackground() return mapping[background], false end function gpu.getForeground() return mapping[foreground], false end function gpu.getPaletteColor() return nil end function gpu.setPaletteColor(index, value) checkArg(1, index, "number") checkArg(2, value, "number") fb.setPalette(index, value) return value end function gpu.maxDepth() return 8 end function gpu.setDepth() return false end function gpu.getDepth() return 8 end function gpu.maxResolution() return fb.getWidth(), fb.getHeight() end function gpu.getResolution() return fb.getWidth(), fb.getHeight() end function gpu.getViewport() return termutils.getSize() end function gpu.setViewport(w, h) checkArg(1, w, "number") checkArg(2, h, "number") return false, "Viewport not supported for this gpu" end function gpu.setResolution(w, h) checkArg(1, w, "number") checkArg(2, h, "number") return false, "Non resizeable gpu" end function gpu.get(x, y) checkArg(1, x, "number") checkArg(2, y, "number") return utf8.char(fb.get(x-1, y-1)) end function gpu.set(x, y, value, vertical) checkArg(1, x, "number") checkArg(2, y, "number") checkArg(3, value, "string") checkArg(4, vertical, "boolean", "nil") x = math.floor(x) y = math.floor(y) if not vertical then local i = 0 value:gsub(".", function(c) fb.put(x+i-1, y-1, background, foreground, utf8.codepoint(c)) i = i+1 end) else local i = 0 value:gsub(".", function(c) fb.put(x-1, y+i-1, background, foreground, utf8.codepoint(c)) i = i+1 end) end flush() return true end function gpu.copy(x, y, w, h, tx, ty) --TODO: Check(check X multiple times) checkArg(1, x, "number") checkArg(2, y, "number") checkArg(3, w, "number") checkArg(4, h, "number") checkArg(5, tx, "number") checkArg(6, ty, "number") fb.copy(x-1, y-1, w, h, tx, ty); return true end function gpu.fill(x, y, w, h, ch) checkArg(1, x, "number") checkArg(2, y, "number") checkArg(3, w, "number") checkArg(4, h, "number") checkArg(5, ch, "string") ch = ch:sub(1, 1) fb.fill(x-1, y-1, x+w-2, y+h-2, background, foreground, utf8.codepoint(ch)) return true end local w, h = gpu.getResolution() gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF) gpu.setBackground(0x000000) termutils.init() write("\x1b[?25l") --Disable cursor modules.component.api.register(nil, "gpu", gpu) modules.component.api.register(nil, "screen", {getKeyboards = function() return {"TODO:SetThisUuid"} end}) --verry dummy screen, TODO: make it better, kbd uuid also in epoll.c modules.component.api.register("TODO:SetThisUuid", "keyboard", {}) deadhooks[#deadhooks + 1] = function() write("\x1b[?25h") --Enable cursor on quit end end return fbgpu