local d = {} local function getCallerInfo() local caller = debug.getinfo(3) return caller.short_src .. ":".. caller.currentline end function d.hook() local sb = modules.sandbox local otb = sb.debug.traceback function sb.debug.traceback(m, l, ...) local s = otb(m, l and (type(l) == "number" and (l + 1) or l) or 2, ...) native.log("Native traceback requested for:") native.log(s) return s --TODO: check if there actually is only one return value end local oload = sb.load function sb.load(ld, source, mode, env) native.log("load from " .. getCallerInfo() .. ", loading \"" .. (source or type(ld)) .. "\"") return oload(ld, source, mode, env) end end return d