import keyboard from pynput.mouse import Button, Controller import time import threading import os, pyaudio import shutil import re from pocketsphinx.pocketsphinx import * from sphinxbase.sphinxbase import * from soundfiles import SoundFiles class ProfileExecutor(threading.Thread): mouse = Controller() def __init__(self, p_profile = None, p_parent = None): # threading.Thread.__init__(self) # does nothing? self.setProfile(p_profile) self.m_stop = False self.m_listening = False self.m_cmdThreads = {} self.m_config = Decoder.default_config() self.m_config.set_string('-hmm', os.path.join('model', 'en-us/en-us')) self.m_config.set_string('-dict', os.path.join('model', 'en-us/cmudict-en-us.dict')) self.m_config.set_string('-kws', 'command.list') # you usually don't want all this info stuff as a regular user. it just covers up init messages self.m_config.set_string('-logfn', '/dev/null') self.m_pyaudio = pyaudio.PyAudio() self.m_stream =, channels=1, rate=16000, input=True) # Process audio chunk by chunk. On keyword detected perform action and restart search self.m_decoder = Decoder(self.m_config) self.m_thread = False self.p_parent = p_parent if not self.p_parent == None: self.m_sound = self.p_parent.m_sound def getSettingsPath(self, setting): home = os.path.expanduser("~") + '/.linvam/' if not os.path.exists(home): os.mkdir(home) if not os.path.exists(home + setting): shutil.copyfile(setting, home + setting) return home + setting def setProfile(self, p_profile): #print("setProfile") self.m_profile = p_profile if self.m_profile == None: return #print ("writing command list") w_commandWordFile = open(self.getSettingsPath('command.list'), 'w') w_commands = self.m_profile['commands'] i = 0 for w_command in w_commands: if i != 0: w_commandWordFile.write('\n') w_commandWordFile.write(w_command['name'].lower() + ' /1e-%d/' % w_command['threshold']) i = i + 1 w_commandWordFile.close() self.m_config.set_string('-kws', self.getSettingsPath('command.list')) # load new command list into decoder and restart it if self.m_listening == True: self.stop() self.m_stream.start_stream() # a self.m_decoder.reinit(self.config) will segfault? self.m_decoder = Decoder(self.m_config) self.m_stop = False self.m_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.doListen, args=()) self.m_thread.start() else: self.m_decoder.reinit(self.m_config) def setEnableListening(self, p_enable): if self.m_listening == False and p_enable == True: self.m_stream.start_stream() self.m_listening = p_enable self.m_stop = False self.m_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.doListen, args=()) self.m_thread.start() elif self.m_listening == True and p_enable == False: self.stop() def doListen(self): print("Detection started") self.m_listening = True self.m_decoder.start_utt() while self.m_stop != True: buf = self.m_decoder.process_raw(buf, False, False) if self.m_decoder.hyp() != None: #print([(seg.word, seg.prob, seg.start_frame, seg.end_frame) for seg in self.m_decoder.seg()]) #print("Detected keyword, restarting search") # hack :) for seg in self.m_decoder.seg(): print("Detected: ",seg.word) break # # Here you run the code you want based on keyword # for w_seg in self.m_decoder.seg(): self.doCommand(w_seg.word.rstrip()) self.m_decoder.end_utt() self.m_decoder.start_utt() # def run(self): def stop(self): if self.m_listening == True: self.m_stop = True self.m_listening = False self.m_decoder.end_utt() self.m_thread.join() self.m_stream.stop_stream() def shutdown(self): self.stop() self.m_stream.close() self.m_pyaudio.terminate() def doAction(self, p_action): # {'name': 'key action', 'key': 'left', 'type': 0} # {'name': 'pause action', 'time': 0.03} # {'name': 'command stop action', 'command name': 'down'} # {'name': 'mouse move action', 'x':5, 'y':0, 'absolute': False} # {'name': 'mouse click action', 'button': 'left', 'type': 0} # {'name': 'mouse wheel action', 'delta':10} w_actionName = p_action['name'] if w_actionName == 'key action': w_key = p_action['key'] w_type = p_action['type'] self.pressKey(w_key, w_type) elif w_actionName == 'pause action': print("Sleep ", p_action['time']) time.sleep(p_action['time']) elif w_actionName == 'command stop action': self.stopCommand(p_action['command name']) elif w_actionName == 'command play sound' or w_actionName == 'play sound': self.playSound(p_action) elif w_actionName == 'mouse move action': if p_action['absolute']: ProfileExecutor.mouse.position([p_action['x'], p_action['y']]) else: ProfileExecutor.mouse.move(p_action['x'], p_action['y']) elif w_actionName == 'mouse click action': w_type = p_action['type'] w_button = p_action['button'] if w_type == 1: if w_button == 'left': elif w_button == 'middle': elif w_button == 'right': print("pressed mouse button: ", w_button) elif w_type == 0: if w_button == 'left': ProfileExecutor.mouse.release(Button.left) elif w_button == 'middle': ProfileExecutor.mouse.release(Button.middle) elif w_button == 'right': ProfileExecutor.mouse.release(Button.right) print("released mouse button: ", w_button) elif w_type == 10: if w_button == 'left': elif w_button == 'middle': elif w_button == 'right': print("pressed and released mouse button: ", w_button) elif w_actionName == 'mouse scroll action': ProfileExecutor.mouse.scroll(0, p_action['delta']) class CommandThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, p_ProfileExecutor, p_actions, p_repeat): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.ProfileExecutor = p_ProfileExecutor self.m_actions = p_actions self.m_repeat = p_repeat self.m_stop = False def run(self): w_repeat = self.m_repeat while self.m_stop != True: for w_action in self.m_actions: self.ProfileExecutor.doAction(w_action) w_repeat = w_repeat - 1 if w_repeat == 0: break def stop(self): self.m_stop = True threading.Thread.join(self) def doCommand(self, p_cmdName): if self.m_profile == None: return w_commands = self.m_profile['commands'] flag = False for w_command in w_commands: if w_command['name'].lower() == p_cmdName: flag = True break if flag == False: return w_actions = w_command['actions'] w_async = w_command['async'] if w_async == False: w_repeat = w_command['repeat'] if w_repeat < 1: w_repeat = 1 while True: for w_action in w_command['actions']: self.doAction(w_action) w_repeat = w_repeat - 1 if w_repeat == 0: break else: w_cmdThread = ProfileExecutor.CommandThread(self, w_actions, w_command['repeat']) w_cmdThread.start() self.m_cmdThreads[p_cmdName] = w_cmdThread def stopCommand(self, p_cmdName): if p_cmdName in self.m_cmdThreads.keys(): self.m_cmdThreads[p_cmdName].stop() del self.m_cmdThreads[p_cmdName] def playSound(self, p_cmdName): sound_file = './voicepacks/' + p_cmdName['pack'] + '/' + p_cmdName['cat'] + '/' + p_cmdName['file'] def pressKey(self, w_key, w_type): if self.p_parent.m_config['noroot'] == 1: # xdotool has a different key mapping. translate old existing mappings of special keys # use this to find key name: xev -event keyboard w_key = re.sub('left ctrl', 'Control_L', w_key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) w_key = re.sub('right ctrl', 'Control_R', w_key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) w_key = re.sub('left shift', 'Shift_L', w_key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) w_key = re.sub('right shift', 'Shift_R', w_key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) w_key = re.sub('left alt', 'Alt_L', w_key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) w_key = re.sub('right alt', 'Alt_R', w_key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) w_key = re.sub('left windows', 'Super_L', w_key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) w_key = re.sub('right windows', 'Super_R', w_key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) w_key = re.sub('tab', 'Tab', w_key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) w_key = re.sub('esc', 'Escape', w_key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) w_key = re.sub('left', 'Left', w_key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) w_key = re.sub('right', 'Right', w_key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) w_key = re.sub('up', 'Up', w_key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) w_key = re.sub('down', 'Down', w_key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) w_key = re.sub('ins$', 'Insert', w_key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) w_key = re.sub('del$', 'Delete', w_key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) w_key = re.sub('home', 'Home', w_key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) w_key = re.sub('end', 'End', w_key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) w_key = re.sub('Page\s?up', 'Prior', w_key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) w_key = re.sub('Page\s?down', 'Next', w_key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) w_key = re.sub('return', 'Return', w_key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) w_key = re.sub('enter', 'Return', w_key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) w_key = re.sub('backspace', 'BackSpace', w_key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) w_key = w_key.replace('insert', 'Insert') w_key = w_key.replace('delete', 'Delete') window_cmd = "" if not self.p_parent.m_config['xdowindowid'] == None: window_cmd = " windowactivate --sync " + str(self.p_parent.m_config['xdowindowid']) if w_type == 1: os.system('xdotool ' + window_cmd + ' keydown ' + str(w_key) ) print("pressed key: ", w_key) elif w_type == 0: os.system('xdotool' + window_cmd + ' keyup ' + str(w_key)) print("released key: ", w_key) elif w_type == 10: os.system('xdotool' + window_cmd + ' key ' + str(w_key)) print("pressed and released key: ", w_key) else: if w_type == 1: print("pressed key: ", w_key) elif w_type == 0: keyboard.release(w_key) print("released key: ", w_key) elif w_type == 10: keyboard.release(w_key) print("pressed and released key: ", w_key)