do local tTasks,nPid,nTimeout,cPid = {},1,0.25,0 -- table of tasks, next process ID, event timeout, current PID function os.spawn(f,n) -- function string -- number -- creates a process from function *f* with name *n* tTasks[nPid] = { c=coroutine.create(function() local rt = {pcall(f)} if not rt[1] then syslog(rt[2]) end computer.pushSignal("process_finished",,table.unpack(rt)) end), -- actual coroutine n=n, -- process name p=nPid, -- process PID P=cPid, -- parent PID t=0, -- CPU time T=0, -- total uptime e={} -- environment variables } if tTasks[cPid] then for k,v in pairs(tTasks[cPid].e) do tTasks[nPid].e[k] = tTasks[nPid].e[k] or v end end nPid = nPid + 1 return nPid - 1 end function os.kill(pid) -- number -- -- removes process *pid* from the task list tTasks[pid] = nil end function -- -- number -- returns the current process' PID return cPid end function os.tasks() -- -- table -- returns a table of process IDs local rt = {} for k,v in pairs(tTasks) do rt[#rt+1] = k end return rt end function os.taskInfo(pid) -- number -- table -- returns info on process *pid* as a table with name and parent values pid = pid or if not tTasks[pid] then return false end return {name=tTasks[pid].n,parent=tTasks[pid].P,cputime=tTasks[pid].t,iotime=tTasks[pid].T} end function os.sched() -- the actual scheduler function os.sched = nil while #tTasks > 0 do local tEv = {computer.pullSignal(nTimeout)} for k,v in pairs(tTasks) do if coroutine.status(v.c) ~= "dead" then cPid = k local sT, sC = os.clock(), computer.uptime() coroutine.resume(v.c,table.unpack(tEv)) v.t, v.T = v.t + os.clock() - sT, v.T + computer.uptime() - sC else tTasks[k] = nil end end end end function os.setenv(k,v) -- set's the current process' environment variable *k* to *v*, which is passed to children if tTasks[cPid] then tTasks[cPid].e[k] = v end end function os.getenv(k) -- gets a process' *k* environment variable if tTasks[cPid] then return tTasks[cPid].e[k] end end function os.getTimeout() return nTimeout end function os.setTimeout(n) if type(n) == "number" and n >= 0 then nTimeout = n return true end return false end end